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Oddskool album feedback

I got an email from Jillaclogs72, who'd bought the Oddskool album Two Ways to Listen describing each of her favourite tracks:

"Hong Kong"

Ko Chang and Splang
"Crowded alien urban poky"

My Memory
"Morphic . A musical landscape is created by layers of volume and qualities of sound to give depth, evoking foreground and background. I liked the stereo effects at the end"

Sonic Delight
"This wants to be coreographed, lots of interesting movement. I heard Michael Nyman's first attempt at music (with dancers) and I think yours is better than his"

Diet Hogan
"Menacing. If I were to put this on in the car I would drive ly"

No Smirking
" and "

Micro Jackson
"Inaccessible, hard to connect with. Like a hologram but every time you move you head back it's subtly different from before"

"Nice textural contrasts, pleasing"

"Replication, mutation, contortion"

"Bloaty and "

The Treacle Mines
"Perky, I'm getting s"


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