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Uncharted - - February 1st - 5th, 2009

This series, called Uncharted, is basically a listing of my Non-MP3 listening habits (and there fore uncharted by Last FM). For more info, read the beginning of this post here.

*NOTE* As much as I would love to, there is no possible way for me to keep track of other online listening uncharted by Last.FM (YouTube, MySpace and the like). I'd go insane trying.

Again, it's been a while since I've added new installments of Uncharted. I've been doing well with this project, I've just been forgetting to update my journal with it.

I've got LOTS to catch up on, so here it goes the second of a few new entries.


'Week' 4 - February 1st - 5th, 2009

February 1st

12:24 AM : The Hope Blister - ...Smile's OK

01:51 PM : Tori Amos - American Doll Posse

03:11 PM : U2 - The Unforgettable Fire

03:55 PM : U2 - The Joshua Tree

04:49 PM : Tori Amos - Legs and Boots: Milwaukee, WI - November 3, 2007 (Tracks 1-13 - On a disc.)

06:07 PM : Tori Amos - Legs and Boots: Milwaukee, WI - November 3, 2007 (Tracks 14-17, stopped on 18 - On a disc.)

11:06 PM : Tori Amos - Legs and Boots: Milwaukee, WI - November 3, 2007 (Resume play - 18-21)

February 2nd

01:16 AM : The Hope Blister - ...Smile's OK

12:40 PM Radiohead - OK Computer

01:38 PM : Radiohead/artist] - Kid A

02:32 PM : Radiohead - The Bends

03:25 PM : Evanescence - Other Songs (a compilation of B-Sides and "Rare" Tracks)
The track list is as follows:

01. Bring Me To Life (Demo Version)
02. Missing
03. Understanding (Sound Asleep)
04. Where Will You Go?
05. Forgive Me
06. Bring Me To Life (live acoustic radio performance)
07. Field Of Innocence
08. Solitude
09. Understanding
10. October
11. So Close
12. Bring Me to Life (Mixman Mike's Remix) (I think that's what it is. The written track list has gone missing.)
13. You

04:32 PM : Alanis Morissette - 9 Tales Of Alanis (a compilation by aquadonia)
The track list is as follows:

01. Pollyanna Flower
02. Hands Clean
03. Fear Of Bliss
04. Perfect
05. Are You Still Mad
06. Uninvited
07. The Couch
08. Joining You
09. Thank U

February 4th

12:40 AM : The Hope Blister - ...Smile's OK

Febuary 5th

Out about about…

Between 12:30 PM and 7 PM I listened to the following:

Killola - I Am The Messer (Sponsored MySpace Download)
*Note* You can download this album for free via MySpace, which I did. This version includes two bonus tracks (Who We Thin We Are & Cracks In The Armor) that you get only after you've downloaded the rest of the album. I'm pretty sure the download is sponsored by Skull Candy, but I couldn't be sure by the reminder before EACH AND EVERY SONG! *rolls eyes* I get it! It's sponsored by Skull Candy! Enough already!! Word To The Wise: Skull Candy heaphones suck. Don't waste your money.

Various Artists - Eep! (an otherwise untitled compilation by aquadonia)
*Note* Listened to this twice in full, and about a 1/4 of the disc once. If that makes sense.
The track list is as follows:

01. Aztec Camera - "Rainy Season"
02. Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton - "Our Hell"
03. Goldfrapp - "Happiness"
04. Radiohead - "Optimistic"
05. Fiona Apple - "Limp"
06. Kristeen Young - "Automatic Love"
07. The Smashing Pumpkins - "Raindrops + Sunshowers"
08. Rilo Kiley - "Under The Blacklight"
09. Geddy Lee - "Slipping"
10. Alanis Morissette - "Tapes"
11. Garbage - "Nobody Loves You"
12. Blackfield - "Epidemic"

It seems I had 'discovered' a disc I had found and bought used quite a while ago but hadn't really given much time to. I had heard The Hope Blister's cover of the Cranes' "Sweet Unknown" on a CMJ compilation ages ago but never did anything about it for some reason. I have found that …Smile's OK is a great late-night listen. It's perfect for the wee hours of the AM, and a great disc. (More info: Cranes - Sweet Unknown / The Hope Blister - Sweet Unknown)

One thing I have found each time I listen to them: I love Radiohead, and I need more of them. I can't believe I STILL don't have In Rainbows!! *shakes head* I don't have Hail To The Thief yet either, sadly. I'm in no hurry to get Pablo Honey, though, for some reason.

Oh well.

Until the next installment…


EDIT: What the heck is wrong with some of the codes? I've checked and rechecked and I can't seem to figure out why some boldened and underlined things aren't working all of a sudden. *is confused*

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