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songs i didn't hate in 2010

I'm not going to gush about how much i love these, i'm organising this shit into something resembling a chronological list as i always forget when i discovered songs.

Crystal Fighters - Xtatic Truth - Xtra Loud Mix

The Flaming Lips - Silver Trembling Hands

Passion Pit - Sleepyhead. Currently my "holy grail" track, a song I feel is perfect in every way and I can't believe I had to miss them live!!

The Big PinkDominos

Delphic - Doubt

Miike Snow - Animal

Daft Punk - Derezzed

Lady Gaga - Telephone and Alejandro

Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed

Animal Collective - Summertime Clothes

Crystal Castles - Empathy. Saw them live, shame they fell victim to the difficult sophomore album curse.

Uffie - MCs Can Kiss. Again after so much promise with awesome EP after awesome EP, Uffie failed to deliver on her debut.

Kanye West - Street Lights. Still representin'.

Bombay Bicycle Club - Ivy & Gold

Tiga - Far From Home

Beach House - Norway - love at first listen, i have to say, absolutely frickin' beautiful.

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