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Listening Through All Of My Albums: #276, 277, 278 - Greatest Hits, Greatest Hits, Vol. 2, and Greatest Hits, Vol. 3 (1979-1987) (Elton John)

Greatest Hits by Elton John

I'm burned out on most songs from this collection but overall, it's hard to argue with the quality here. Goodbye Yellowbrick Road is one of my favorite songs of all-time.

Greatest Hits, Vol. 2 by Elton John
Some of my least-favorite John "hits" are in this group (Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, The Bitch Is Back) but I'm more likely to pull this one out and listen to it then I am volume one.

Greatest Hits, Vol. 3 (1979-1987) by Elton John
Here's where you really start to see Elton John's career head toward the sappy world of Adult Contemporary. Not as bad as what will come during the Disney era but I'd say only about half the songs here are decent and this is a greatest hits collection, imagine how bad the albums were these songs came from!

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