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Stupid If Your Life Was a Movie Shuffle Game b/c I'm bored

If your like was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?
So, here's how it works:

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button

Opening Credits:
2Pac - All Eyez On Me

Waking Up:
The Vandals - The New You

First Day At School:
Piebald - Rock Revolution

Falling In Love:
Further Seems Forever - Pictures of Shorelines

Fight Song:
Thrice - Where Idols Once Stood

Breaking Up:
Limbeck - To Hell With Having Fun

Jay-Z - All Around the World

Polar Bear Club - Another Night in the Rock

Mental Breakdown:
Andrew WK - Ready to Die

The Weakerthans - Illustrated Bible Stories For Children

Descendents - Pep Talk

Getting back together:
Saves The Day - Where Are You?

This is Me Smiling - Feeling the Time Pass By

Birth of Child:
Alkaline Trio - Fine Without You

Final Battle:
Kanye West - Champion

Death Scene:
The Lawrence Arms - Right As Rain Part 2

Funeral Song:
Hey Mercedes - Roulette Systems

End Credits:
Sondre Lerche - Two Way Monologue

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