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Future of Music,

I have never been much of a philosophical person to others; mostly because I can never find the words, but here it goes.

There are two sides of music, the side I can at least tolerate, and the side I try to ignore. I have felt the power of music first hand; but what I hear on the radio, on TV clearly isn't music. For whatever reason people have decided to stop listening to music and have settled for the atrocities that is popular music.

What bothers me most is indie music; well not all indie music. Indie music who have no clue that indie is just short for independent. Bands like: Motion City Soundtrack, Linkin Park, or Fall Out Boy This is music designed by committee not musicians. This isn't music rather it's clever marketing being fed to the public. In fact this so called music seems to more of a very successful attempt to sell cloths, cell phones, and iPods. To be completely honest admit to listening to this crap, I just discovered underground music a year ago.

Now this has been going on for awhile. This is how our Backstreet Boys or Brittany Spears came to be. Even the Beatles can be noted as a marketing trick. A few misguided teens attempt to get a job as model and walk out with a degree in lip syncing accepted at of the four major record labels. In fact people have been saying music is going downhill since the demise of classical music.

The basis of cultural information is a Meme. Memes are ideas, songs, habits passed on from one person non genetically. The problem is mass culture is too powerful and basicly force feeds the public with these memes. People of the same culture generally act alike in a way. But due to mass culture basically all of the western world act and does alike. We mimic what we see and we all see basically the same thing.

Sun Ra said this about racism, these words apply to many things

I couldn't approach black people with the truth because they like lies. They liveblame for everything, but then I found out that they were just puppets and pawns of some greater force, which has been using them … Some force is having a good time and looking, enjoying itself up in a reserved seat, wondering, "I wonder when they're going to wake up." lies … At one time I felt that white people were to blame for everything, but then I found out that they were just puppets and pawns of some greater force, which has been using them … Some force is having a good time and looking, enjoying itself up in a reserved seat, wondering, "I wonder when they're going to wake up."

So what does all these mean for the future of music? Were screwed. As long as mass culture stays the same music will continue on a downward spiral until people wake up and see the world for themselves.

I guess my opinion has changed a bit. For the most part I hate movies. Yet, occasionally I will view a movie that I actually like; for at least a moment that film changes my perspective on the world. I think music has a very similar effect on me but in a more abstract way. When listening to radio (sometimes even eclectic) it seems that the music is very consistent and to some extent very shallow in almost every way. So maybe some people don't want to be impacted by music emoutionally.

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