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The Decemberists

Tue 2 Oct – The Decemberists, Land Of Talk

Someone at the BBC didn't much like the gig last night, but I thought it was rather enjoyable. Not necessarily superb, but good. To my shame I didn't recognise any of the tracks except the final encore (it turns out I have plenty of the early albums but none of the later ones).

Compared to the Midlake gig at the Royal Festival Hall I went to back in April the sound was much improved, and this time the performers could remember the words to their own songs. Which helps. The performers all looked like they were having fun, and the finale (complete with the audience all screaming like they were being eaten by a whale) made me grin like an idiot. Which is a fairly good metric of a good gig, really - if you end up gurning with delight it was a good show.

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