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How I discovered my top 10 artists

1. Arctic Monkeys
Oh Jesus, the best discovery I've ever made in music history. You might think I'm just overreacting but.. I'm not. I love this band, deadly. First time I've heard about them was on MTV Hits. We were still receiving the channel through cable and I once tuned in and caught their ever first video. I kind of liked their style (and their looks) so I started downloading tracks from them. Another time came when they showed "When The Sun Goes Down" (note, those tracks were both #1 so MTV Hits really had no other reason than to play their songs) but they didn't write at the end from who it was. And at that time, I wasn't very familiar with Alex's voice. So I was puzzled, wondering from who this sound is coming from. I kind of got it once, can't remember quite how and when, but when I did… I felt stupid and hit myself on my head. Their first album impacts my whole life. Truly, madly, deeply love this band.
First heard: I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
Favourite: God, that's a hard question. But if I'd have to take only one song from them on a desert island, it would be A Certain Romance

2. Muse
I knew them ages ago, to be honest. I just never really got into them. I remember always being freaked out about the "Hysteria" video, with that man tracking down that girl and kind of beating her at the end. And the first time I heard "Supermassive Black Hole" in a promo advert, I asked myself "WTF, WHAT ARE THEY DOING?". But luckily, I got into them with - ah, cliché - "Starlight". Can't help but loving this song so much. Later buying their BHR album and then realizing that my brother has had their other albums on the PC. I'm really, really glad that I got into them before they passed through Switzerland for the second time. I think I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I had not been by their tour. They're magnificent and Matthew Bellamy has this… fantastic voice. And talent. All of them. Great band, love them.
First heard: I'm not sure. It's New Born or Hysteria
Favourite: ONE AND ONLY Starlight. <333333

3. Bloc Party
I can thank my brother about this. I knew about Bloc Party, but I think at first, I didn't like them at all. Don't ask me why, maybe I thought they were very dull or something. But I think when I heard a remix version of "Blue Light" on the show OC (which I love dearly), I kind of started listening to their music. First, their "Weekend In A City" album. Thinking it was brilliant like nothing else in this world. Then I got the brilliance of their first album and… wow. Kele? You make me proud to be black.
First heard: So Here We Are
Favourite: EHHH. VERY HARD. But I'd go for… Kreuzberg

4. Coldplay
How I got into Coldplay is still a mystery to me. Not because I don't like them. I just… don't know how it happened to be my favourite band. When it started. I'm really puzzled at the moment, it scares me. :D
First heard: Puh. I think that would be In My Place
Favourite: Fix You, but there are many more.

5. Kaiser Chiefs
Ha! A band that, I think, I didn't like very much at the beginning. I knew some of their songs like "Everyday I Love You Less And Less" and that other stuff. When I really got into them is when I was still receiving MTV Hits (I'm missing that channel D:), I was at home for lunch and heard their hit track Ruby for the first time. And I started humming it before it really broke through the places. Singing along to it live is an incredible feeling, between you and me. I haven't listened to them for some time, I think I need to get into the mood to really listen to them.
First heard: Everyday I Love You Less And Less
Favourite: Modern Way

6. Amy Winehouse
What a phenomenal talent of 2007. What a woman. What a voice! Jesus, I love her, I really wish I had her voice. It's something new, something you haven't heard for a long time. It saddens me to see her living like a wreck, doing things to her like that. Because she's brilliant and a true musician. I really hope she gets better soon. First track I've heard from her was on - guess! - MTV Hits. And I could have sworn, she was AT LEAST half-black. But she isn't. She's Jewish. LOL. :D
First heard: Rehab, what else?
Favourite: VERY TOUGH. VERY VERY VERY VERY TOUGH. But I go for Tears Dry On Their Own. BUT I'M VERY INSECURE ABOUT THIS. She has more brilliant songs on her first album like… Take The Box or Valerie.

7. Tegan & Sara
I got to know them through Grey's Anatomy, when I had a soundtrack from the show. Those twins have unique voices. Some might hate them, some might love them. I belong to the lovers, great girls. And anticipation for lesbian singers, good for the gay community! :D (OK I sound ridic).
First heard: Where Does The Good Go
Favourite: Downtown

8. Lily Allen
OH MY GOD ANOTHER ARTIST I GOT TO KNOW THROUGH MTV HITS. I really need that channel back, it seems to give me fantastic sources to fantastic British music. I first saw her funny video on the channel and though she might polarise, I think she's a great singer. And her album… wow! Brilliant, every track is brilliant. And she's so gorgeous, really. Totally in love with her.
First heard: Smile
Favourite: Friend Of Mine

9. The Killers
I think I first saw their video in the night. I was staying up late again (my favourite thing to do on holiday season) and tuned into a Swiss music station (ha! MTV Hits loses this time!) and saw their video. I liked them, really good. Their first album Hot Fuss is perfection, I was a little disappointed into Sam's Town. Maybe because I gave up half-through listening to it, I confess. LOLZ. But then I did and it's a good album too.
First heard: Somebody Told Me
Favourite: So many! But if I'd have to decide - I'd go for Read My Mind

10. Feist
Hm. Let me think back from where I got the information to listen to this great woman. I think… I think… Ah. Well. First thing's first. I heard Mushaboom for the first time in the Lacoste advert. I think a lot of people did. ;D From there on… I can't remember actually! I just got her The Reminder and completely fell in love with it. Then, went over to Let It Die and couldn't believe how great she really is.
First heard: Mushaboom
Favourite: Intuition

Now, thanks to this meme, I've noticed that I've got to thank MTV Hits for making me recognize so many great artist (before they got really popular!).

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