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K-Pop Challenge

1: Your favorite boyband.

2: Your favorite girlband.
Girls' Generation.

3: Your favorite male idol.
SHINee's Minho, BEAST's Yoseob, TEEN TOP's Ricky.

4: Your favorite female idol.
G.NA, always!

5: Your favorite song from your favorite boyband.
Don't Touch My Girl.

6: Your favorite song from your favorite girlband.
Into The New World.

7: A song that makes you cry.
BEAST's On Rainy Days.

8: A song you know all the lyrics to.
G.NA's I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better.

9: Your favorite k-pop performance.
Yoseob and G.NA singing What I Want To Do When I Have A Lover at Welcome to BEAST Airline concert.

10: A dance you'd like to learn.
TEEN TOP's No More Perfume On You.

11: Your favorite music video.
G.NA's I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better.

12: The first song you've listened to.
Girls' Generation's Gee.

13: A group that you don't like and why.
B.A.P. I respect them but their song doesn't sound good to me and I think they're way too overrated.

14: A song that makes you smile.
BEAST's Beautiful.

15: A song that reminds you of someone and makes you miss him or her.
BEAST's On Rainy Days makes me miss the girls that were with me at the United Cube Concert line.

16: Your favorite lyrics.
http://www.sweetslyrics.com/773407.Intoxication%20-%20XIAH%20Junsu%20%28english%29.html I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T RESIST THOSE LOL.

17: An idol you'd like to be your oldest brother.
Super Junior's Leeteuk.

18: An idol you'd like to be your younger brother.
TEEN TOP's Niel or Chunji.

19: Your favorite interview.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4NA_wyvVko LOL

20: Your favorite picture from your male bias.
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/387769_193195017439751_100002477627038_380288_108453480_n.jpg It's shaky and he doesn't even look that good. BUT I TOOK IT.

21: Your favorite picture from your female bias.

22: Your favorite picture from your favorite group.

23: An idol you think is underestimated.
NS Yoon-G.

24: An idol you think is overestimated.
B.A.P and… Kill me, but Super Junior. Even though I love them.

25: Your favorite dance battle.

26: A song you never get tired of listening to.
Taeyang's I Need A Girl.

27: Your favorite eyesmile.

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