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Shut my Eyes Forever

They say you've got to fall to rise,
but I've fallen from grace too many times
When I look in their eyes and I see their lies,
I want to shut my eyes forever
I've had enough of this world,
enough of all it's flaws, troubles and toiles
Born with bad luck and into nothing,
I hoped for better but what did it bring?
Well I been up and I been down, I been out,
I guess this world keeps me spinnin' around
And I try, I try to stand but there's nowhere to run,
I think I've lost my way, y'know my time is almost done
They say you've got to fall to rise,
but I've fallen from grace too many times
When I look in their eyes and I see their lies,
I want to shut my eyes forever
Well, I been up, and I been down, I been out,
this wicked world keeps me spinning around,
and I've tried to understand, but I'll never learn
I won't even try, I'll just shut my eyes
They say you've got to fall to rise,
but I've fallen from grace too many times
When I look in their eyes and I see their lies,
I want to shut my eyes forever
I don't want to see no more, (and when I close these eyes)
I want to shut my eyes forever, (I'll finaly find some shelter)
And when I close these eyes, I'll be at peace forever

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