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Decibel Top 30 GRINDCORE albums of all times

01- Repulsion - Horrified (1989) (+death)
02- Napalm Death - Scum (1987) (+crust punk)
03- Terrorizer - World Downfall (1989) (+death)
04- Siege - Drop Dead (1984) (+hardcore punk)
05- Napalm Death - From Enslavement to Obliteration (1988)
06- Pig Destroyer - Phantom Limb (2007)
07- Brutal Truth - Need to Control
08- Discordance Axis - The Inalienable Dreamless (2001)
09- Napalm Death - Mentally Murdered EP (1989) (+death)
10- Disrupt - Unrest (1994)
11- Napalm Death - Enemy of the Music Business (2000) (+death)
12- Pig Destroyer - Prowler In The Yard (2001)
13- Brutal Truth - Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses (1992) (+death)
14- Carcass - Reek of Putrefaction (1988) (+goregrind)
15- Rotten Sound - Murderworks (2002)
16- Nasum - Human 2.0 (2000)
17- Bolt Thrower - In Battle There Is No Law (1988)
18- Assück - Misery Index (1997) (+death)
19- Napalm Death - The Peel Sessions
20- Impetigo - Horror of the Zombies (1992) (+goregrind/death)
21- S.O.B. - Don't Be Swindle (1987) (+hardcore punk)
22- Heresy/Concrete Sox - Heresy/Concrete Sox split
23- Phobia - Return To Desolation EP (1994) (+death)
24- Dropdead - Dropdead (1993) (+powerviolence)
25- Nuclear Death - Carrion For Worm (1991) (+death)
26- General Surgery - Necrology EP (1991) (+goregrind)
27- Brutal Truth - Sounds Of The Animal Kingdom (1997)
28- Spazz - La Revancha (1996) (+powerviolence/hardcore punk)
29- Kill The Client - Escalation of Hostility (2005)
30- Cephalic Carnage - Exploiting Dysfunction (2000) (+death)

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