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1 year.. Uhhh.. Exciting..!

On november 13th 2005 I joined last.fm and now almost one year later, it's time for looking back.

Let's start out with a few stats..

Overall Top Artists:

Jens Lekman
Stereo Total
Jeans Team
Le Tigre
Dansk Fløde

Overall Top Tracks: (You might notice a pattern)

Keine Melodien
Do the Bambi
Vive le Week-End

Since I first came here I've obviously browsed around through many user pages. The one I've visited the most has to be that of eurotrashgirl http://static.last.fm/avatar/701d9ae8e182954cd1168bf32764276e.jpg

She has been my neighbour pretty much since day one and is one of two hosts at the excellent (danish) podcast Evil Bird Show.

I've also tried to drag other users in here, but haven't had a lot of succes doing it.

The only one I actually ever got to register was my brother Christoffer aka CWendelboe (He has yet to upload an avatar), but he hasn't been around here since July (Shame on you, Christoffer!)..

That's it for now.. Just a small review of a year at last.fm..

[Edit: Got one more to register!!

Everybody say 'Hi Lone!'


Also.. I've pulled out my abacus and done the stats I really wanted to do when first posting this journal.. How much music have I listened to!? Now..

It still haven't been quite a year, but it's getting close.. Monday it'll be a year.. Today it's 362 days.. For 362 days I've - on average, obviously - listened to 4 hours of music a day on my iBook.. That's 10 minutes every hour 24/7 for 362 days.. In total that's 87596,89707* minutes of music scrobbled!!

Whoa! I love last.fm!!

*This is obviously based on an average length of track.. This was calculated to 230,9131332 seconds per track.]

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