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Music My Bird Hates

So a few months back I got a bird (Archie, after the Watchmen). I've had birds my whole life, but this is the worst bird I've ever had. It's unfriendly and unsocial; it mostly prefers sitting in its cage and screaming its idiot head off at my music. But only certain music really gets it going… which is where this journal comes in. I'm going to track what selections from my record collection anger my bird the most.

Archie Hates:
-Department of Eagles (not sure what about this record really set Archie off, but for whatever reason he wouldn't shut up even during the quieter songs like Around The Bay)

-The Cult (this is pretty easy to understand, my dad would probably scream too)

-Guns N' Roses (he didn't seem to mind Appetite For Destruction until Nightrain. However I noticed him doing a little headbanging on his swing during Out Ta Get Me.)

-Harry Nilsson ( Nilsson Schmilsson didn't bother him at all, but as soon as we got to Me And My Arrow from The Point the squawking was incessant!)

- Not technically music, but he also wouldn't shut up after Gladstone's "Zinger" alarm during last weeks HBN.

-Wilco (all was quiet until ear-splitting screams 3 songs into Wilco (the album))

-Michael Jackson (He was in another room and still managed to hear and FREAK OUT at the laughing at the end of Thriller.)

-The Junkyard Poets

I will continue to update as my bird continues to hate more music.

P.S. In an interesting twist, he really likes Feist and particularly her version of 1,2,3,4 from Sesame Street.

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