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Shuffle Tells you Everything You Need to Know About Me

Another way to idle away time that I don't have. I did not make these questions up.

Why are you taking this shuffle quiz?
Blame it on Me

What's currently in your fridge?
Muddy Hymnal

Your biggest nightmare?
White Shoes

What place would you like to visit?
96 Tears

A reason to commit suicide?
Behind Blue Eyes

Why are we here?
Got To Move

Something you never dared say to anyone?
Wind and Rain

One thing the world really doesn't need?
I've Got to See You Again

What's your biggest unfulfilled wish?
Doo Wop (That thing)

If you could invent something, what would it be?
Sweet Jane

The last thing you say before you die?
Messin' with the Kid

What's your destiny?
Lord Though I am with Thee

What do you do when you're alone in an elevator?Flight of the Passing Fancy

Why do people go fishing?
Nothing but a Lack

What would you do with your slaves?
Go Down Emmanuel Road

Is there a man on the moon?

What does hell look like?
Heart of the Country

About what would you write a book?
The Train I Ride

The best thing ever is..?
A Lot of Love

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Hound Dog

Why do you listen to music?
Once is Enough

What do you do when you're alone and nobody's watching?
Don't Think Twice It's Alright

Why are other people so stupid?

Last thing you ate?

Why is the grass green?
Eyesight to the Blind

Your phone is ringing, but who's on the other end?
Hot Pants!

What should you stop doing?
Nuthinduan Waltz

Why do I keep doing my job?

A word of advice for the readers of this quiz?
Take me to the River

So there you have it. Somehow it isn't what I expected.

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