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Woody Herman Swingin' Herd broadcast

Another swinging two hours (on the night of the second Presidential debate) in the monthly survey of Woody Herman–drawn from 1962 to 1967.

Swing Plus #32
10/7/08 7pm - 9pm

1- Pee Wee Blues (1962)
2- Tunin' In (1962)
3- It's a Lonesome Old Town (1962)
4- Better Get It In Your Soul (1963 live)
5- Body & Soul (1963 live)
6- A Taste of Honey (1963)
7- Jazz Hoot Rehearsal (1963 live)
8- Dear John C (1964 live)
9- Blue Monk (1964 live)
10- Days of Wine & Roses (1964 live)
11- 23 Red (1965 live)
12- Opus De Funk & Theme (1965 live)
13- This Can't Be Love (1965)
14- Warm All Over (1965)
15- Bluesette (1966 live w/Mel Torme)
16- In a Mellotone/Don't Get Around Much Anymore (1966 live)
17- San Francisco (1966)
18- Concerto for Herd 2nd Movement (1967 live)
19- The Duck (1967)
20- Make Someone Happy (1967 live)

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