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New Christian Rock Bands

So, there are some new bands i want to present here.
After that I got to know to Kutless, BarlowGirl or Flyleaf (only to mention a few) and loving them I acquired the taste of .
Since that time, I discovered some new, amazing bands, more than worthy to write a Journal about.

Here we go:

I'll begin with Demon Hunter, a Band, I love bands like Demon Hunter which break the cliche of "typical christian" people or bands.
It is way of heavey Speed Metal, with a Rock voice, more melodic and soft and Hardcore voice, screamo. Everything fits perfectly, the guitars, drums and the two voices, once the rock-voice, once the hardcore-voice or - what I like most - both together.
Infected and I Play Dead are amazing.

Another great band in my eyes is Thousand Foot Krutch, very similar to Kutless, but by comparison to Kutless, their songs are not ONLY about Christian themes.
They also got great lyrics and beautiful songs, but I still gotta listen more to them to really get to know them.
Break The Silence and This Is a Call are my favos so far.

Now to my current top band: Anberlin
For me a very typical band, usually I was never a real emo-fan but I just love Anberlin, don't know what makes Anberlin so special and similar to the "normal" emo-bands.
Well who cares, the point is that i like them ;)
Time & Confusion and Cadence friggin kick ass.

Blindside, a , also Christian Band.
I like to listen to Blindside to wake up in the morning and incite myself a bit, the songs make you wanna sing the songs yourself "So pi ti fuuuuulll… ", they own.
Check out All of Us and Pitiful!

"P.O.D., that's new for him lol?"
Nono, I always knew P.O.D. but I really got liking them some time ago. I'm not their biggest fan, but the still rock with songs like The Messenjah or Satellite

That's it so far, feel free to read the entire journal entry or to comment. ;)

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