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Top 5 in Metal

Top 5 Metal Artists:

4)Lykathea Aflame
3)Edge Of Sanity

Top 5 Metal Albums:

5) At The Gates - The Red In The Sky Is Ours
4) Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris
3) Cryptopsy - Blasphemy Made Flesh
2) Edge Of Sanity - Crimson
1) Opeth - Morningrise

Top 5 Metal Songs:

5) Children Of Bodom - Children Of Bodom
4) Meshuggah - I
3) Edge Of Sanity - Crimson II
2) Edge Of Sanity - Crimson
1) Opeth - Black Rose Immortal

Top 5 Metal Riffs:

5) At The Gates - Within (Openning Riff) (0:00)
4) Children Of Bodom - Children Of Bodom (Openning Riff) (0:00)
3) Lykathea Aflame - A Step Closer (during "a step closer" clean vocals) (1:37)
2) Opeth - In The Mist She Was Standing (Last heavy riff of the song) (11:40)
1) Opeth - Black Rose Immortal ("the amaranth symbol" - whispered "black rose immortal") (13:38)

Top 5 Metal Moments:

5) Disillusion - The Sleep Of Restless Hours (Calm part of song) (7:40)
4) Opeth - To Bid You Farewell ("When every tear I shed is for you") (10:36)
3) Cryptospy - Crown Of Horns ("I do that rather well don't you think?) (0:00)
2) Meshuggah - I ("AAAAAAAAAHH!!") (1:33)
1) Opeth - Black Rose Immortal (Whispered "black rose immortal")

How about your top 5's?

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