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Getting myself into hip-hop

My friend Julius started getting a bit pissy about me not listening to any rap (well, barely), so I'm deciding to give a few tracks ago as an experiment to see how far I can go with this open mind. If I manage to stay until the end of it without having to turn it off, I'll rate it out of ten, and briefly review it. If not, I'll just say it was skipped and explain why.

I've never been able to get into rap in the past. A lot of the time it's just a riff that stretches so far on it gets beyond banal, along with a beat that sounds like a table falling down the stairs in slow motion, which tends to give me a headache. The rapper tends to sound like a concrete block has dropped over his head and seems to always be rapping about something on a similar vein (being beaten up, beating people up, driving a car, getting a girl, drugs in the neighbourhood, a friend of theirs who helped them out in such a time, guns, money, bling), most of which don't say anything about me.
However, I'm going to give these guys another chance with an open mind, as if I've just heard them in my favourite record stores.

So, with the things I've been sent, let's go.

Shame on a Nigga
This track starts with the sound of someone being beaten up, and then the beats come in, which between alternating seconds sound very catchy and unbearable. It amused me when one of the vocalists made a thrusting sound but the fact it's basically just a drum beat with someone speaking over it (mostly with swearing) made it irritating as for me to skip it at around 2:17.

Liquid Swords
An absorbing 'soundtrack' feel is given with the child's narrative at the start, which after a while goes into a voice that seems less likely to explode with rage unlike the previous track, and this time it's accompanied with a melody, albeit two notes which I can clearly stand, being a punk fan. However, this went on far more than expected, so I just felt I had to stop play at around 2:35, when it started repeating itself once again as opposed to me hoping a new part would be introduced.

4th Chamber
Another introduction brings in a more promising tune, which holds together a classical rap structure with a melancholy drive which seems to have appeal. I can't find much of a hook in there to enjoy through out, but when I'm told rap is the 'sound of the streets', this is admirable.

In the Flesh
Not the best J5 I've heard (it's very tiresome how they bring up old school), but it remains accessible for me to the extend that it's enjoyable.

N.Y. State of Mind
I can stand it, but it does go on to the extent of pushing it.

Award Tour
Catchy… but in a rap sort of way… I think I'm getting it.

If anyone has any suggestions for me for band recommendations or if I'm missing something out about what hip-hop really is, throw yo shizz forward.

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