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Steel City - 8 December 2008

Mon 8 Dec – The Human League, ABC, Heaven 17

This is the second year running for us seeing Human League just before Christmas at Hammy A. It’s becoming our Jack and The Beanstalk. Except that the pedigree of these three bands raises this above the ‘80s nostalgia panto circuit.

Heaven 17 get things off to a good start with (We Don’t Need This) Fascist Groove Thang and close with a barnstorming Temptation which is as good as anything I’ve heard live this year.

It would be tempting to say that ABC are the cheese in the sandwich except they’re far too knowing for that. Still, we get all the expected hits: Poison Arrow, When Smokey Sings and The Look Of Love. Martin Fry still looking sharp.

Then the headliners. Last year we got Dare all the way through. This year, although there are tracks from all parts of HL's career, that album still dominates the setlist, from opener Seconds, through the highlights Open Your Heart, Love Action (I Believe In Love) and The Sound Of The Crowd, to the inevitable Don’t You Want Me. But having an album as good as that in your armoury is no bad thing at all.

Same time, same place next year then…….

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