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The Week's New Releases (Nov02,'10)

If you're following me on Twitter you probably already know what albums I'm getting this week without hesitation. Those would be N*E*R*D's Nothing because who doesn't like those funky beats and Mariah Carey's Merry Christmas II You because, based on the snippets I heard, that voice is soaring like it's 1994 when she recorded the original Merry Christmas. Other interesting stuff would be Weezer's collection of rarities, a new album by Good Charlotte and a re-release of Train's Save Me, San Francisco (Golden Gate Edition) … whatever that means.

Merry Christmas II You by Mariah Carey
Nothing by N*E*R*D
Cardiology by Good Charlotte
Death To False Metal by Weezer
Pinkerton (Deluxe Edition) by Weezer
Armando by Pitbull
Save Me, San Francisco (Golden Gate Edition) by Train
Soulsville by Huey Lewis & The News
Vintage Vinos by Keith Richards

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