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The music of Emitt Rhodes on Infinite Eargasm:

The Orginal Soundtrack's instrumental version of "Mother Earth" is on this Emitt Rhodes tribute album. The album was featured on the radio program Infinte Eargasm on East Village Radio:


"The music of Emitt Rhodes on Infinite Eargasm. From May 13


Emitt Rhodes made his first mark in the music biz way, way back in 1967 as the leader of pop band the Merry-Go-Round. As a solo artist, his critically acclaimed, self-titled debut recording managed to break into the Top 40 and some critics even called him “the one man Beatles”. But pressure from his record company and other industry exigencies eventually led to frustration and disenfranchisement; he stepped away and the world forgot about Emitt Rhodes. Until now …

Together with 16 other artists, Bill Whitten and Groover Recordings started the long journey of putting together Long Time, No See — A Tribute To Emitt Rhodes (release date: May 12, 2010). Did they do an amazing job? We say yes, but invite you to decide for yourself as…

Niclas Janson and Christian Örjestål of Groover Recordings join DJ hallogallo on Infinite Eargasm, May 13, to discuss the process, the recordings… and, of course, share this extraordinary music.

Cool show. Listen Live.

Infinite Eargasm
Hosted by DJ hallogallo
Thursdays • 2-4PM ET

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