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Hey, let me tell you about the scariest, HIM-related thing I've ever experienced! It all happened when I was in California with my family last year. We had stopped on a beach along the Hwy 1 when I found a butterfly wing! It had orange and black stripes and white spots on the sides. It was so soft and beautiful, so I found out I would bring it with me. We got back into the car and continued driving. I was starting to listen to my iPod again (the Shuffle mode was on) and then "Rip Out The Wings Of A Butterfly" was the first song to turn up! Just minutes later, we passed a lighthouse that looked just like the one in the "Rip Out The Wings Of A Butterfly" video. I was really freaked out at that moment… When we came home again, the wing was gone.
But today - about half a year later (the 5th of June) - , when I was tidying my room, I found the pieces of the wing under my book shelf. That's when I decided to let the world know about this creepy experience of mine… Is it a sign? What do you think?

OMG, that was a long text! :O I admire those, if there are any .______.'', who have read this whole thing xD Rip Out The Wings Of A Butterfly

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