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Tull Remasters '06/'07

Recently, Jethro Tull released four of their albums in remastered form. I got the remastered Rock Island and Catfish Rising. A Little Light Music and Roots to Branches exist in remastered form, too, but without bonus tracks.

Catfish Rising is one of the many rock albums that you must obtain, particularly for This Is Not Love. The new disc includes Night in the Wilderness and a live version of Jump Start from 1987. Some '91 live stuff would have been more fitting.

Rock Island is pretty good but not the best. While Catfish Rising is bluesy, RI is straight-up rock with, naturally, some keyboard-driven pieces here and there. The new disc has some live stuff from '89; A Christmas Song, Cheap Day Return/Mother Goose, and Locomotive Breath.

The sound quality is superb on both. I can't say on the other two, though. If you're a Jethro Tull fan, get them - hell, even if you're not, you should get them, especially Catfish Rising. They shouldn't be too hard to find for between $8 and $14 U.S. I got mine for $8 (at Rolling Stone Records in Chicago), so…


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