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60k, Anime, and random mumbling

Hmm. So. Finally I listened my 60th thousand track, and as far as I can tell it was this song that made it happen; Ultra Bra -Minä suojelen sinua kaikelta. Could have been worse, I think. =)


Soo. That aside, I've found some great songs, and as the title of this journal suggests, it's anime theme songs. Especially Bleach has some kickass theme songs (and you can check them here - pleace check your tags also if you are reading this!), especially I've liked the opening themes but one ending theme has found it's way to my HDD as well.
Great songs I'd suggest you'd check out from YouTube or just somewhere, are:
ORANGE RANGE - *~Asterisk~
UVERworld - D-Tecnolife
HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR - Ichirin No Hana
Rie Fu - Life is like a boat

.. But that's not all. Hellsing has some nice tunes to it, not the least it's opening and ending themes;
Yasushi Ishii's Logos Naki World & Shine by Mr. Big.

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