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Dear friends, please stop linking me to random boys who I might like because they're a) into the same music as me and you think that's a conformity to base a relationship around b) they have a little James Franco thing going on or c) you need to fulfill your sadistic tendencies by seeing me get into awkward situations or have me cringe for an entire night. Buy me a ticket to the United States, Germany, France, Sweden or every other country instead, if you really want to help me out. Unfortunately none of my friends think this is a decent suggestion so I spend another Valentines on the phone with my friends and on the internet, puking over all the teeth hurting articles about how great love is etc. Hey, a pessimist is never disappointed and sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train. Whatever, couples. Spend another day on the couch having useless conversations, watching useless movies, making useless love and be uselessly useless. And as you'll be too busy sinking into each other's eyes let the single kids collect the Valentines mix tapes for you, you can thank me later, I don't like you anymore.
Listen to some sweet tunes here!

Little Jinder
Simian Mobile Disco
Franz Underwear

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