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Michel Montecrossa's Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2012

The Michel Montecrossa's Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2012 takes place as part of the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2012 in Mirapuri, Italy.
The Spirit of Woodstock Festival will be from 27.7.2012 – 5.8.2012 presenting twenty Love & Unity Concerts of Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few.
The Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2012 is part of this concert series and will be on Monday, 30th July 2012 starting at 19:00.


Michel Montecrossa's Michel & Bob Dylan Fest:

MIchel Montecrossa Homepage:

Festival Address:
Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy:
Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel
Via Monte Falò 8, 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte, (Prov. di Novara), Italy

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