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Iron & Wine and The Head and the Heart (not finished, too tired)

So my friend won tickets to this show off Twitter (we both were trying to win) and she brought me. I am so very glad she decided to bring me (besides the fact that I told her about the giveaway, haha) because this show was EXCELLENT!
The opening band was The Head and the Heart, I had never heard of them before… So I checked out a song or two a month ago because I thought it'd be a good idea since I would be seeing them perform live. I think I listened to Lost In My Mind plus something else and I thought "Okay, this band seems pretty decent". But boy, they were more than decent, they were superb! My friend and I were really close to the stage for their set. The final song that they played.. I think it was Rivers and Roads (not 100% on that though) and the violinst/vocalist Charity was BELTING it! Previous to that she was singing a little too quietly for half of the songs (I know the band uses tons of harmony, but you could barely hear her singing). So when her part in the song came up, she hit it perfectly! Literally my jaw dropped, my eyes widened and I actually said "wow" out loud, no joke. Also I am a sucker for violin, piano and harmonic vocals. When I got home I downloaded their album off Itunes. To sum it up, The Head and the Heart is probably going to be one of my favorite bands and I expect great things from them in the future.
Now when Iron & Wine's soundcheck was going on, I was getting really sick from dehydration so I left my friend and our AMAZING spot close to the stage, went out to my car and drank some water and smoked some squares. When I came, they had already started playing and there was absolutely no way I was getting back to where my friend was. So for the rest of the show I was standing in the far back, which was disappointing but hey.. what can you do? For the most part, the Iron & Wine was pretty damn good for being far away.

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