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The Indelicates @ Babalu Munich, 26.04.2008

So I went to see The Indelicates at the Babalu Club in Munich, a tiny cellar club with maybe 50 people in it, today. Well, actually, I went yesterday, because it's, now that I came home, a quarter to one in the morning already, so it's technically Sunday. But enough of such details.

I went, as usual, alone because all my friends have no good taste in music and thus declined to come with me. Admission was at 9 p.m., so I went there in time for half past nine, guessing it would give me enough time any way. I was right, it 3ave me so much time in fact that I was, as far as I could tell, the only loser without friends, standing around for half an hour, staring at random people because I knew noone and I really hate simply talking to strangers. That's not true tho, I like talking to strangers. I just resent doing it to people who are already talking and have company they brought themselves to enjoy.

Show started a little after 10 pm with a band called "Ruby Sea". They played some nice rock, which reminded me of different bands I like, depending on the song. Unfortunately for them, their singer liked to scream into his microphone several times, ruining perfectly good songs with annoying out-of-place-screaming. I wonder, if they sound better on CD, I will have to find out. Can't hurt to do so…

The Indelicates entered stage a little after 11 pm, starting off with The Last Significant Statement To Be Made In Rock'n'Roll, followed by Sixteen and my personal favorite from American Demo, America. They played almost all tracks from the album, amongst them my other favorite, Our Daughters Will Never Be Free. They also played a couple of non-album songs, like Waiting for Pete Doherty to Die and my all-time favorite song by them, Vladimir (My memory is a sieve though and I can't recall all songs they played, if you know them, please tell me).

Judging this concert is quite easy, it's one of the best I ever saw. The band is funny on stage (and the stage was quite near to the audience), making jokes and enjoying themselves. Simon did some great impressions, trying to sing like Bob Dylan and others while performing Heroin. Julia did a great show as well and the guitar player behind her did a funny show and made people laugh.
Unfortunately, nothing is perfect. The show lasted only a little more than an hour, although that's owed to the fact that they really don't have songs for two hours yet. The volume was much louder than with the support band, which is the reason I think I hear less than I did before the concert. Also, the interaction with the audience could have been better, for example the final part of Vladimir would be perfect for the audience to sing along, as it's only "All Hail Vladimir" repeated all the time. It's the audience fault as well tho, I rarely have seen an audience that lost interest in clapping along so quickly.

Final thoughts: Simon sounds live much better than he does on CD, although still not as good as Julia.
Final final thoughts: A great concert, if you can, go and see them live!

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