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SimpleDiggs: Albums Of 2011

Hope you all had a great new years. There goes another year of great music. Before we look ahead to hopefully another year of memorable releases, let's look back at this years' top LPs:

30. Thrice - Major/Minor
29.*shels - Plains Of The Purple Buffalo
28. Girls - Father, Son, Holy Ghost
27. Wilco - The Whole Love
26. Real Estate Days
25. City and Colour - Little Hell
24. The Horrible Crowes - Elsie
23. Big K.R.I.T. - ReturnOf4eva
22. The Antlers - Burst Apart
21. Sleepmakeswaves - …and so we destroyed everything
20. Nicolas Jaar - Space Is Only Noise
19. Yuck - Yuck
18. Radiohead - The King Of Limbs
17. The Weeknd - House Of Balloons
16. Frank Ocean - Nostalgia, Ultra

See SimpleDiggs' top 15 picks at the home base.

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