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Itunes Quiz

My iTunes Personality…
5,501 Items
14 days
32.49 GB

Sort by artist:

Ray Ban Vision - A-Trak

Woo Hoo -'s

Sort by song title:

First Song:
A-Punk - Vampire Weekend

Last Song:
99 Problems - Hugo

Sort by time:

Shortest Song:
0:08You're My Boy Blue - Atmosphere

Longest Song:
31:39Marais La Nuit - Neko Case

Sort by album:
First Song:
I Want You - The Beatles

Last Song:
99 Problems - Hugo (Again)

Top 10 Most Played Songs:
1. Go Ahead - Rilo Kiley
2. Kiss With A Fist - Florence and the Machine
3. Raining Men - Rihanna
4. What I Got - Sublime
5. Love Me Dead - Ludo
6. Pursuit of Happiness - Kid Cudi
7. Soundtrack 2 My Life - Kid Cudi
8. Fuck You - Lily Allen
9. Make Her Say - Kid Cudi
10. Silver Lining - Rilo Kiley

First five songs that comes up on Shuffle:
1. Get Gotten - Ben Lee
2. Tragic Kingdom - No DOubt
3. What You Want - Civil Twilight
4. The Source - The Naked and Famous
5. I Hate You, Fuck You, Leave Me Alone - Reel Big Fish

Search ….
"sex", how many songs come up?: 42
"love", how many songs come up?: 293
"you", how many songs come up?: 658
"death", how many songs come up?: 23
"hate", how many songs come up?: 28
"wish" how many songs come up?: 11
"dream" how many songs come up?: 64

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