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"The All Muse Soundtrack To My Life"

*taken from zombie_love

If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?

1. Open Windows Media Player or your iTunes library
2. Put it on (Muse) shuffle
3. Press Play
4. For every question type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question push the Next button
6. Don't lie and pretend you're cool
7. Don't skip songs

Opening Credits: Exo-politics

Waking Up: The Groove

First Day of School: Bliss

Fight Song: Soldier's Poem

Breaking Up: Ruled By Secrecy

Happiness: Balloonatic

Life's OK: Apocalypse Please

Mental Breakdown: Citizen Erased

Driving: Starlight

Flashback: Map Of Your Head

Getting Back Together: Sober

Wedding: Coma

Birth of a Child: Cave

Final Battle: Map Of The Problematique

Death Scene: Overdue

Funeral Song: Sunburn

End Credits: Host

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