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Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

Did you know .... TIERSEN PLAYS POST-ROCK? (concert review)

Oh yes, that's right. Yesterday I was on Yann Tiersen marvelous concert at Wrocław Music Theater "Capitol". I watched the shock on girls sweet faces that expected Amelie-like soft piano and violin, while the music played was a breathtaking composition of different Tiersen's themes sewed together just to form something like , that was with no doubt and mostly :) Let me just mention playing guitar using drill or guitar-loudspeaker coupling :)

Since today, people not tagging Tiersen as are by law punished to death sentence.

Very work, eclectic synthesis of multiple genres played with strong commitment. Poor you all narrow-minded disgusted Amelie-only fans. Too bad you didn't notice the amount of Yann's genius that exploded yesterdays evening ;)

someone gave me:

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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