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My Top V: Week I

So, just for my own enjoyment, I'm gonna be posting my top 5 tracks of the week in my journal, just so I can look back in a few years at what songs I loved and all.

V. Rescue Me - You Me At Six (ft. Chiddy)
Rescue Me

Fantastic song, and I think that the chorus's are very well timed, and the Chiddy-YMAS playtime balance works really well; neither of the rapper nor the band get an extremely long part to themselves.

IV. Charlie Brown - Coldplay
Charlie Brown

Mylo Xyloto was released today, and from the few songs I've heard this is one of the best; the lyrics are great and the riff is really catchy. There are just so many 'wow' moments across not only this song, but the entirety of the album.

III. Stereo Hearts - Gym Class Heroes
Stereo Hearts

As well as the awesome and quite-powerful chorus, the main appeal for me in this song are the amazing lyrics. They flow, and are actually really clever if you stop and listen to them.

II. Shiver - Coldplay

From one of their newest to one of their oldest, Coldplay make another appearance on my list this week. If I had done this last week, it would be sitting smugly atop the chart, but another equally awesome song has taken its place. The riff is fantastic, and the only complaint I have to make is the contrast between the chorus's and the verses in tone.

I. Vox Populi - 30 Seconds to Mars
Vox Populi

One of the most powerful songs I've ever heard, and I only listened to it for the first time last week. I must have skipped over it countless times when listening to the album, but this is just pure brilliance. Jared's voice over the crowd just sends shivers down my spine.

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