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Google Maps / Last.fm mashup

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UPDATE: This is currently DOWN, because last.fm's APIs are BROKEN. If that annoys you, you can make your comment here:

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Since my original journal entry about feeds for national charts about 15 months ago, the data to make the calculations has become available at AudioScrobbler.net . I've been busy making a script to compare the tastes of different nations using the same formula as before, but this time pulling the data in live from XML.

Although a table of results is good, a map is probably a better way of visualising the data so now each country gets a spot on a google map. The spot can be clicked to bring up that country's data.

I also got to thinking that maybe matching people to countries would be more interesting than matching countries to countries (opinions welcome).

You can take your pick of either version:

Match countries to countries

Match countries to last.fm users

Some limitations:

There is no feed for "Congo". Not much I can do there!
Update: They've fixed that now. Thanks to brtkrbzhnv for the heads up.

The feeds only cover the top 50 artists at the moment, so the results are a less accurate reflection of reality than I'd like. If the feeds are increased in size, the maps will update on their own.

The spots might not be in the right places - locating them all was a fairly painful process and some errors may have slipped in. Msg me if you spot any howlers!

The blobs aren't as nice looking as coloured areas (polygons) would be, but the thought of creating polygons for 240 countries makes me feel a bit ill. The dots load up nice and fast too so they're probably staying for now.

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