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Immortal back In Our Mystic Visions Blest


Somewhere far Beyond the North Waves, the Unsilent Storms in the North Abyss have emptied the Grim and Frostbitten Kingdoms where The Sun no longer Rises. For Years of Silent Sorrow, the Noctambulant Sons of Northern Darkness have stood still, Frozen by Icewinds, for the Wrath from Above haven’t shrilled its highest horns.

But, coming from Within the Dark Mind, The Call of the Wintermoon rang out once again in the kingdom of Blashyrkh up to the elder Raventhrone. Hearing this hail, the Mighty Ravendark sent forth his Tyrants to defrost the Sons of Northern Darkness, and lead them to the vast Battlefields Where Dark and Light Don’t Differ.

They walked Through the Halls of Eternity and fought in unending Battles in the North against the Unholy Forces of Evil while the Frostdemonstorm raged on the untouched thundra. They slaughtered One by One the countless Blizzard Beasts hurtling down the Mountains of Might and reconquered the Cursed Realms of the Winterdemons Throned by Blackstorms.

Finally, Storming through Red Clouds and Holocaustwinds, they emerged At the Stormy Gates of Mist back In my Kingdom Cold. The Triumph of their Pure Holocaust, crafted in the ice, Withstand the Fall of Time. But as it is Circling Above in Time Before Time, the new tale of Immortal will not be told until the year 2008 of our time.

Do you understand ? After a five-year hiatus, Immortal is back in recording at last !


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