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Keikaku : Japanese Indie na Internet


Site interessante formado por um staff residente nos EUA, UK e Japão dedicado exclusivamente ao Indie Japonês. Com uma liguagem simples e contemporânea apresenta releases das bandas, críticas, links, forum e ainda permite (na verdade até convida) que o internauta amante do gênero publique seus textos.

Acerca deles por eles mesmos:

"I've seen my share of Japanese music sites come and go, and there's one nagging aspect that remains the same - it's always the same artists receiving nearly all the coverage. Except for a handful of websites, the vast majority of the attention is focused on pop idols, groups featured in anime, and curiously, visual rockers.

Cliche as it may sound, there's much more to Japanese music, and it's a shame that so many worthy artists don't really have more than a handful of followers outside of Japan. Of course, compounding the issue is that substantial information in English is usually tough to find or just downright nonexistent. That's where keikaku.net enters the picture.

Though originally conceived to spotlight indie bands, the focus has quickly expanded to include bigger names that are still somewhat beneath the radar and no less deserving of our attention. That's not to say that the musicians who have been dominating the charts are unworthy, but by now the Internet abounds with such information on them that I don't think there's much left to add.

That said, we look forward to offering some new perspectives on some great musical talent while hopefully giving some strength to these fresh voices that have yet to be heard by many outside of Japan.

- James"

Number Girl





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