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New Songs, August 16-29, 2009

Two weeks of updates, since I was kind of on the road last Saturday. :-)

The Guild released their new music video and song, and I immediately added Do You Wanna Date My Avatar to my track list. Hilarious. Watch it on YouTube.

1, 2, 3, 4 - Heard it a couple times and really liked it, finally found it.

15 to 20 (feat. Lady Tigra) - One of the few songs I kept from my free iTunes samplers.

Supersonic - It's Fergalicious but without the stupid words or Fergie's voice! Just the awesome beat!

Title of the Song - I am definitely going to have to find more from these guys. This was hilarious.

Pretty Buildings - Found on YouTube, loved, acquired, and only listened to it once. I should rectify that.

Boom Boom Pow - Lots of hype about it… It IS crazy catchy!

Can't Help Falling in Love - Weird version, and yet somehow addicting… Thanks, tinymixtapes.com!

Your Boy - Didn't care for most of his other stuff, but I enjoyed this.

And then the joys of discovering iTunes shared folders in my dorm: There Is A Light That Never Goes Out (can't decide which version of this song I like more!), The Promise (I never knew they recorded this!), Come Together, I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (I suspect this is already in my library under a different name), Help! (they didn't record the full version anywhere, did they?), Don't Stop Believing, Gold Digger, and Paper Planes (could have sworn I had that one).

There's some good stuff here that will hopefully be making an appearance again.

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