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Hollywood whore, passed out on the floor.. I'm sorry but the party is over
Hollywood Whore

doubt me… hate me… you're the inspiration that I need
Facing What Consumes You

hopelessly drifting, bathing in beautiful agony
A Nightmare To Remember

Let me hear you say: <<The shit is bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S>>
Hollaback Girl

I've been dreaming of us leaving everything and everyone we've ever known.
I've been thinking all these visions must be a sign, so hold on and don't let go.
I couldn't see a thing till I shut my eyes.
I never knew a thing till I lost my mind.
I would sell my soul to know it all, but I held the keys all this time.

You won't miss the water,
Till the river runs dry
You won't miss the sunset,
Till it burns out the sky
You won't miss what you have,
Till it's finally lost
But you don't miss a bastard,
When you're bearing his fucking cross


Prick your finger, it is done
The moon has now eclipsed the sun
The Angel has spread its wings
The time has come for bitter things"

I'll pretend that I want you for what it's on the inside
But when I get inside I just want to get out
I never believed the Devil was real
But God couldn't make someone filthy as you

Everyone will come
Everyone will come
To my funeral to make sure I stay dead
Four Rusted Horses

Don't be surprised, I can look you in the eye
It's hard to take you serious when you take me inside
When something is unbelievable when I'm not able to believe how unbelievably unbelievable
That you believe you could not be-lievable
That's when I have to say:

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