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80s Artists

You know, I have got my WinAmp player randomly going through all my 80s music at the moment. I don't have much 80's music organized on my PC yet, but that's not the point of this entry. No, I wanted to comment on the fact that I personally think the most creative and wide-ranging music came out in the 80s. I mean think about it. You had a lot of music in the 70s that was inventive and thought provoking. Well, the 1st part of the 80s still carried a lot of that over, but was able to expand upon it due largely to the synthesizer. Yeah, a lot of people feel that the synthesizer kind of downgraded musical talent as a whole. In many ways, it did, but when you look at the bigger picture it did more to expand music. It was the beginning of the digital age of music. Artist and producers/arrangers could do much more in a song without necessarily needing as many musicians. This allowed them to be more creative on a personal level without the need to get a whole band in sync with each other. I have to start getting ready for work, but I want to expand on this thought more at a later period.

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