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Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

top artists of 2007

i am continuing my project of documenting my last fm charts on the 12th of december each year. since this is only the second year, no real revelations so far, except that i've listened to almost 5,000 less songs than last year. guess i've been busy. anyway:

for the period of 12/12/06 to 12/12/07
tracks played: 10,275

top 5 artists by plays

1. destroyer
2. the national
3. david bowie
4. smog
5. sunset rubdown

top 5 tracks by plays

1. diamond dancer
2. day
3. karen
4. sycamore
5. mistaken for strangers

for more on this year's chart, and a mp3 and live video of the #1 song check out the bat and the bird

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