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New Noise magazine #3 - Sélection Albums

New Noise N°3 - MAR/AVR
Selection of records and ratings

Aucan - Black Rainbow
Skull Defekts - Peer Amid
Wye Oak - Civilian
The Psychic Paramount - II
The Haunted - Unseen
Gablé - CuTe HoRSe CuT
J Mascis - Several Shades of Why
Mitochondrion - Parasignosis
Seefeel - Seefeel
Ultraphallus - Sowberry Hagan
Wooden Wand - Death Seath
Obscura - Omnivium
Earth - Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light 1
Yuck - Yuck
Agent Side Grinder - Irish Recording Tape
Low - C'mon
The Death Set - Michel Poiccard
Suuns - Zeroes QC
Rainbow Arabia - Boys & Diamonds
Pristina - Drought (Ov Salt & Sorrow)
Tim Hecker - Ravedeath, 1972
L.A. Vampires feat. Matrix Metals - So Unreal
Cheveu - 1000
Tormenta - La Ligne Âpre
Cercueil - Erostrate
Papaye - La Chaleur
Zarboth - Kwakiutls

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