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Part 1

1) How does the world see me?
Song: Nothing to Gein
Interpretation: Not like Ed Gein, I hope D:

2) Will I live a happy life?
Song: We're in this together
Interpretation: Reassuring, I guess~

3) How do my friends really feel about me?
Song: Clamour for glamour
Interpretation: :(

4) Do people secretly lust after me?
Song: Bled white
Interpretation: I'll guess not?

5) How can I make myself happy?
Song: Mechanical Love
Interpretation: Not really, huh? XD

6) What should I do with my life?
Song: King Kill 33
Interpretation: That does *not* sound promising

7) Why should life be full of so much pain?
Song: Men are all the same
Interpretation: Makes sense!

8) How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
Song: Calliopeia
Interpretation: I have no idea what it means but I'll sure as hell check it out!

9) Will I ever have children?
Song: Have you ever?
Interpretation: Nope!

10) Will I die happy?
Song: Stan
Interpretation: uhm…

11) What is some good advice for me?
Song: Feel
Interpretation: Believe me, I do

12) What is happiness?
Song: Head like a hole
Interpretation: No brain, no pain

13) What is my favorite fetish?
Song: King of Pain
Interpretation: lolz ._.

14) How will I be remembered?
Song: Cloud Nine
Interpretation: Wtf? D:

Part 2
1)The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say:
song: I am the highway
Interpretation: I promise :O

2)Your favorite thing to say when drunk is:
song: The final test
Interpretation: Sorta serial killery >:

3)Your message to the world:
song: Foresaken
Interpretation: Me or the world? Both, I'd wager

4)Your deepest secret:
song: Even deeper

5)Your innermost desire:
song: Loneliness Knows me by name
Interpretation: I don't want that D:

6)Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include:
song: Forget to remember
Interpretation: WOOPSIE!

7)On your deathbed, you'll whisper:
song: Nobody knows
Interpretation: That's kinda sad >:

8)Your friends say behind your back:
song: Forgiven
Interpretation: Well, that's something, right?

9)You say behind your friends' back:
song: Obvious
Interpretation: Hahaha, oh well, thinking about the meaning of the song, hell yeah!

10)When you wake up in the morning, you mutter:
song: Forever

11)If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell:
song: Goodbye to you
Interpretation: A little late for that! But then again, I always was kinda slow

12)Right now, your feelings are:
Song: Talk
Interpretation: Oh, no no no

13)What's your excuse for reposting this:
song: Because of you
Interpretation: Well, yeah, haha

14)Your life's soundtrack:
song: And all that could have been
Interpretation: ;_____;

15)The day you fall in love will be the day that:
song: Daylight
Interpretation: Guess that'd be anyday? Tomorrow, hopefully? :O

16)You scream during sex:
song: Radio/video
Interpretation: Depends… :$

17)What do people assume when they first look at you?
song: Your star
Interpretation: Oh I so am 8-)

18)What will be a big challenge in life for you?
song: One last breath
Interpretation: -

19)Are you a good boyfriend/girlfriend?
song: Our solemn hour
Interpretation: I'll take that as a big no

20)Do you have a secret admirer?
song: Taking over me
Interpretation: A secret stalker, probably?

21)Will you ever become manically depressed in your life?
song: Freak on a leash
Interpretation: Hmmmmno? :D

22)How will you die?
song: Sweet dreams
Interpretation: In my sleep? *crosses fingers*

23)Is someone trying to kill you?
song: Me, my yoke and I
Interpretation: LOL spotify just gave me the Basshunter commercial!

24)What's for dinner tonight?
song: We're so starving
Interpretation: Nothing, probably! XD

25)How will you feel when someone breaks your heart?
song: Question!
Interpretation: You heard me!

26)What your favorite color is:
song: Not ready to make nice

27)How old do you feel?
song: We never change
Interpretation: So young, I guess?

28)What you though about high school:
song: Sometimes you can't make it on your own
Interpretation: Right about that

29)Your personality is like this song:
song: Like you
Interpretation: Hahahaha oh, fuck off XD

Part 3
1. What's my mood like right now?
song: Stars

2. How's tomorrow going to be for me?
song: Town meeting song
Interpretation: Ugh >:

3. What kind of person am I?
song: Soldier side
Interpretation: Soldier? nuh-uh! :O

4. Am I loved?
song: Cry
Interpretation: So not!

5. How can I achieve my highest potential?
song: Thoughtless

6. What should I do with my life?
song: Nine in the afternoon

7. Is everything going to be alright in the end?
song: I remember

8. What is my best quality?
song: The best of me
Interpretation: Reeeeaaaally?

9. How does my sex life look?
song: The downward spiral
Interpretation: Probably pretty exotic…

10. What's the meaning of life?
song: Be true to your woman
Interpretation: !!!

11. What do people think of me?
song: The easy way
Interpretation: I'm easy?

12. Would I make a good lover?
song: Lonely day
Interpretation: Nuh-uh

13. How crazy am I?
song: Needles
Interpretation: Very?

14. Will I have a good life in general?
song: White shadows

15. Can (insert name here) ever really love me?
song: Sweet sacrifice
Interpretation: ;__;

16. Can me and (insert name here) ever be more than friends?
song: I'm losing
Interpretation: Oh >:

17. What's going to happen to me this week?
song: On the cross
Interpretation: *goes into hiding*

18. Where will I be a year from now?
song: The only one
Interpretation: *goes away to try and save the world*

19. What is my fondest wish?
song: ATWA
Interpretation: That's like air, trees, water, animals or something, right?

20. What is the love of my life doing at this very moment?
song: Hypnotize
Interpretation: Well yes, me!

21. How did my parents meet?
song: You found me
Interpretation: Somehow, yes 8D

22. How will I die?
song: Get your gunn
Interpretation: …yeaouch

23. What song will be played at my funeral?
song: Just like you imagined
Interpretation: Nope, not at all like I imagined!

24. What will happen after I die?
song: When girls telephone boys
Interpretation: The end of a funeral is a pretty lame excuse

25. What will I dream about tonight?
song: Dope hat
Interpretation: xD If I do, I'll probably be crazy enough in the morning

26. How does my media player feel about me?
song: Leaving hope
Interpretation: Probably, since I'm using spotify

30)Your farewell message to the readers of this:
song: Sally's Song

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