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2012 Albums

Top 10
#1: Cloud Nothings - Attack on Memory
#2: Japandroids - Celebration Rock
#3: The Mountain Goats - Transcendental Youth
#4: Ty Segall Band - Slaughterhouse
#5: Bob Mould - Silver Age
#6: Divine Fits - A Thing Called Divine Fits
#7: Jack White - Blunderbuss
#8: The Men - Open Your Heart
#9: Titus Andronicus - Local Business
#10: The Walkmen - Heaven

10/09 A.C. Newman - Shut Down the Streets
04/10 Alabama Shakes - Boys & Girls
10/23 And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead - Lost Songs
03/05 Andrew Bird - Break It Yourself
09/04 Animal Collective - Centipede Hz.
05/15 Best Coast - The Only Place
09/04 Bob Mould - Silver Age
03/06 Bruce Springsteen - Wrecking Ball
03/06 Ceremony - Zoo
02/14 Classics of Love - Classics of Love
01/24 Cloud Nothings - Attack on Memory
01/24 Craig Finn - Clear Heart Full Eyes
09/18 Dinosaur Jr. - I Bet On Sky
08/28 Divine Fits - A Thing Called Divine Fits
02/07 Dr. Dog - Be the Void
02/07 Fucked Up - Year of the Tiger
06/12 Future of the Left - The Plot Against Common Sense
09/18 Grizzly Bear - Shields
06/11 Guided By Voices - Class Clown Spots a UFO
01/01 Guided By Voices - Let's Go Eat the Factory
05/08 Heavy Blanket - Heavy Blanket
01/24 Hospitality - Hospitality
01/31 Imperial Teen - Feel the Sound
04/23 Jack White - Blunderbuss
06/05 Japandroids - Celebration Rock
07/17 JEFF The Brotherhood - Hypnotic Nights
02/21 Lambchop - Mr. M
03/20 Lee Ranaldo - Between the Times & the Tides
01/31 Leonard Cohen - Old Ideas
03/06 The Magnetic Fields - Love at the Bottom of the Sea
03/27 The Mars Volta - Noctourniquet
10/02 Matt & Kim - Lightning
03/06 The Men - Open Your Heart
xx/xx Metz - METZ
07/09 Mission of Burma - Unsound
10/02 The Mountain Goats - Transcendental Youth
05/08 OFF! - OFF!
07/24 Passion Pit - Gossamer
02/07 A Place to Bury Strangers - Onwards to the Wall
08/07 Redd Kross - Researching the Blues
04/03 Robert Pollard - Mouseman Cloud
04/03 Screaming Females - Ugly
02/07 Sharon Van Etten - Tramp
03/20 The Shins - Port of Morrow
05/08 Silversun Pickups - Neck of the Woods
02/21 Sleigh Bells - Reign of Terror
xx/xx Spider Bags - Shake My Head
06/12 The Tallest Man on Earth - There's No Leaving Now
05/15 Tenacious D - Rize of the Fenix
02/14 Tennis - Young and Old
10/23 Titus Andronicus - Local Business
10/09 Ty Segall - Twins
06/26 Ty Segall Band - Slaughterhouse
04/24 Ty Segall & White Fence - Hair
02/07 Van Halen - A Different Kind of Truth
06/05 The Walkmen - Heaven

Top 5 as of June
#1: Cloud Nothings - Attack on Memory
#2: Japandroids - Celebration Rock
#3: The Walkmen - Heaven
#4: The Men - Open Your Heart
#5: Jack White - Blunderbuss

xx/xx -

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