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As Hope Dies

I don't like very much the style of this group, but their lyrics are one in a million ! I listen regularly their album "Legions Bow To A Faceless God" and i think it's great. Their anti-religious texts make me flyyyyy… here are some of them:

As Hope Dies - Led Astray

With the blood of millions on your hands the human race is led astray by demons disguised as angels. The human race suffocates with prophecy that tells of torment for those who do not believe in what these demons teach and yet they still believe… and yet they still believe you are compassion. that you are the answers to their pain. this is not the answer to eternal life - your sacrifice in vain. For you book off life speaks of no truth it deserves fire. Ill watch it burn. With the blood of millions on your hands they continue to sacrifice in the name of God.
in the name of love. In the name of compassion. When will they learn that there lives are based on nothing but a false existence?! human race suffocates with prophecy that tells of torment for those who do not believe in what these demons teach and yet they still believe… when will they see that your book of life speaks of no truth?! It deserves fire. ill watch it burn.

Deceived , Legions Bow To A Faceless God have great texts too. They are very reasonable and I think they deserve admiration for such good songs…

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