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Audycja za PROGiem nr 39 - rok 1970 (XV)

1. Zaprogowe intro
2. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - The Barbarian (Emerson, Lake & Palmer, 1970)
3. Burnin Red Ivanhoe - Across The Windowsill (Burnin Red Ivanhoe, 1970)
4. King Crimson - In the Wake of Poseidon (In the Wake of Poseidon, 1970)
5. McDonald and Giles - Tomorrow's People - The Children Of Today (McDonald and Giles, 1971)
6. King Crimson - Cirkus (Lizard, 1970)
7. King Crimson - Indoor Games (Lizard, 1970)
8. King Crimson - Lizard (Lizard, 1970)
9. Senogul - La Serpiente De Jade (III, 2011)
10. Tale Of Diffusion - Sound of Magic (Adventures Of Mandorius (The Bird), 2009)


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