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Losing Music & the Return to Last.fm

My piece of shit hardrive malfunctioned. Somehow all the data ended up corrupt and I couldn't save it. So, long story short I lost my entire itunes library. Bummer.

Luckily, being the smart cookie I am, I managed to backup a lot of my music before the failure on my external hardrive. Phew. Of course, a lot of my old stuff I don't even bother listening to anymore, so I deleted out a lot of gay anime songs. lol. My new awesome western digital hardrive has lots of room for a new itunes library and i'm itchin' to fill it.

Consequently, I decided to wipe my last.fm profile to reflect my new tastes. Some friends introduced me to mad capsule markets and dj sharpnel. Good stuff. Me and my boyfriend also love pendulum and have been getting more into their new stuff.

I love last.fm! it saved me during the time I was without my library. I just played my radio station, and it was like I never lost anything. Thanks guys! Forget pandora.

Ciao ~

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