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Year In Review, of my music taste

This is my first and hopefully not my last journal entry here on last.fm, I enjoy the website and of course the fact that displays a lot of information about my music is something I actually enjoy quite a lot. I'm glad my tracks per day aren't as high as they used to be. It means I am getting out of the house more and more which is good. Not being social has it's benefits if you don't want to be around others, but it also is depressing when you want to be around people and no one is around for you to even speak with.

well, this year I had the chance to really expand the number of artists i listen to and well I did it. Even going towards things that aren't metal, perhaps the thing I explored most outside of metal music this year when it comes to music is movie soundtracks. I currently have around ten soundtracks when it comes to what is on my ipod. Hans Zimmer,Howard Shore,Basil Poledouris, the soundtracks I have from them have gotten the most plays.

Hans Zimmer's plays all come from one soundtrack and no it's not from Inception, it's actually from a movie he worked on in the 90's. Backdraft. quite good work. I've started to like many more bands this year, some that I did not like before. The list of those include. Kreator,Destruction,Machine Head, and Slayer

A few of the artists, I've come to like now i started listening to thanks to my ex-girlfriend who is still my best friend some how. Nine Inch Nails we're the ones that had gotten to take that spot as the main one I picked up listening to from being with her. We even had the same reason for going to see Tron: Legacy, the Daft Punk soundtrack.

Which it is quite good by the way, to those who have not heard it yet. Goes very well with the movie, though our theater was quite empty when we went. Only our small group of nine people had the whole place to ourselves which I was shocked with. Now, one group that I had no like for at all before but I do now is van Canto, I actually enjoy their cover of Rebellion quite a lot now considering I just downloaded it last night to Itunes. But of course no journal entry would ever be complete with out listing the songs that one has enjoyed the most throughout the year.

Let Me Hear You Scream
I Got Erection
Safe Home
Ghost Of Floyd Collins

I enjoy the fact that my musical taste has opened up slightly this year, really good music out there in other genre's just have to find it beneath all of the crap that is produced as well. But then again one man's trash is another man's treasure, if you believe in that saying.

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