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In My Pants

Put your music player of choice on shuffle, and then write down the 10 songs that come up and at the end of each title add 'In My Pants'.


0. The Bled - Ruth Buzzi Better Watch Her Back in my pants
1. As I Lay Dying - The Voices That Betray Me in my pants
2. Axamenta - Submissive to the All in my pants
3. Discipline - Our Pride in my pants
4. Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls in my pants
5. In Flames - Reflect The Storm in my pants
6. CKY - Frentic Amnesic in my pants
7. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Especially In Michigan in my pants
8. Trivium - Fugue (A Revelation) in my pants
9. Death by Stereo - Don't Piss in my Neck and Tell Me It's Raining in my pants

lol @ the death by stereo one :D

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