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Prog Acts by Popularity: Newly Listed Artists: Plays (1 year)


Charts: Prog Artists | Prog Artists (modified)
New Artists: Position Change: 1 Year | 6 months | 3 months | 1 month
New Artists:By Listeners|By Average Plays
New Artists: Plays: 1 year | 6 months | 3 months | 1 month
Overall: Position Changes: 1 year | 6 months
Overall: Plays: avg plays|average play gains|most played
Overall: Listeners: new listeners | % listener gains
Genres: Symphonic|Eclectic|Neo-Prog|Italian|Heavy

This chart shows new Prog artists listed on Prog Archives during the past year, sorted by their total number of plays during the past year.

pos. (plays) artist (genre)

1. +398389 Storm Corrosion ()
2. +31411 Trioscapes ()
3. +21288 Squackett ()
4. +12520 Arteria ()
5. +7131 Impact Fuze ()
6. +5469 LAGITAGIDA ()
7. +4560 Kompendium ()
8. +4551 Gin Lady ()
9. +3956 Ignatius ()
10. +3789 Alan Reed ()

11. +3338 Herd of Instinct ()
12. +2674 I and Thou ()
13. +2609 Tusmørke ()
14. +2591 The Prog Collective ()
15. +2356 Not Otherwise Specified ()
16. +2269 Balloon Astronomy ()
17. +2087 Inner Ear Brigade ()
18. +2053 Light Coorporation ()
19. +1972 The Balmung ()
20. +1735 Cartel Carnage ()

21. +1428 Luz De Riada ()
22. +1121 Vélooo ()
23. +1054 Six Elements ()
24. +1041 Eyevory ()
25. +1031 Ornithos ()
26. +1027 Transperception ()
27. +981 Apple Bells ()
28. +947 Le Maschere di Clara ()
29. +920 Time Horizon ()
30. +897 Utopianisti ()

31. +798 Corvus Stone ()
32. +789 Peanut Brittle Satellite ()
33. +777 The Minstrel's Ghost ()
34. +760 Points North ()
35. +612 Puzzle King ()
36. +607 Coralspin ()
37. +596 gosia ()
38. +530 Gandalf's Project ()
39. +515 Silver Key ()
40. +501 Cosmic Danger ()

41. +462 Michael Bernier ()
42. +439 Breznev Fun Club ()
43. +435 Psychic For Radio ()
44. +407 Indrek Patte ()
45. +383 Athelstone ()
46. +354 Mentat Routage ()
47. +352 The Former Life ()
48. +351 Carpe Nota ()
49. +348 Eighth Whale ()
50. +334 Impulso de los sonidos inconscientes ()

51. +323 The Madcap Laughs ()
52. +306 Catafalchi del Cyber ()
53. +298 L'ombra della sera ()
54. +272 Earth Size Diamonds ()
55. +267 Maurizio Di Tollo ()
56. +239 Absente H ()
57. +224 Diatessaron ()
58. +222 Tompox ()
59. +206 Bruno pitch ()
60. +202 Ryoko Ono ()

61. +196 Kevin Geier ()
63. +184 Nine Books ()
64. +179 Group 309 ()
65. +171 The Far Meadow ()
66. +154 We Could Build an Empire ()
67. +132 Plenilunio ()
68. +120 Machines Dream ()
69. +119 Macroscream ()
70. +115 Moogg ()

71. +106 Mudway ()
72. +105 Phoenix again ()
73. +101 Flammarion ()
74. +101 Eliphasz ()
75. +98 Andre Balzer ()
76. +79 Gannets ()
77. +66 RADIATION10 ()
78. +52 Aican ()
79. +48 Toon Martens Project ()
80. +35 Syndéresi ()

81. +31 Opusculus ()
82. +23 Jose Carballido ()
83. +21 Sta Ima? ()
84. +20 La Increíble Fuga De Triángulos ()
85. +20 El Doom & The Born Electric ()
86. +18 Steve Brockmann And George Andrade ()
87. +15 Dzejbi ()
88. +14 Brian Imig ()
89. +13 The Rome Pro(G)ject ()
90. +11 Fem Prog Band ()

91. +9 Orquesta Metafísica ()
92. +9 Crystal Thoughts ()
93. +4 Emanuele Correani ()

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