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[63] The Byrds - Fifth Dimension (1966)

The Byrds - Fifth Dimension

There are The Byrds again. When the album started, I was pleasantly surprised because it already sounded more lively than the previous album. This album certainly has more variation than 'Mr. Tambourine Man' and that makes it better. I'm not completely wild of it, but when I decided today to distinguish the good from the bad songs, I had to admit to myself I liked all songs.

Maybe the lack of my enthusiasm is the result of the way The Byrds sing: together. Everyone the same tone. It's not that the music is monotone, in contrary, they use a lot of different tricks here. And the guitars are really, really nice. However, it sounds a bit tame. Hmmm, I have some trouble expressing (and understanding) myself :) Take 'Hey Joe' for instance, that's a song where one of the singers (don't ask me who) proves he has a beautiful voice of his own. (Although this version is quite nice, it doesn't beat Jimi Hendrix's version by far… of course). Or take the extra bonus track on the cd 'Psychedelic City' where again is proven that The Byrds shouldn't always try to sing together.

However, their singing together leads also to some extremely beautiful songs: Wild Mountain Thyme, Eight Miles High (what a song, what a song!), Why… Also the more happier songs Mr. Spaceman and 5D (Fifth Dimension) are great examples of excellent pop songs.

So you see, I just summed up almost the whole album… Which means this album confuses me a little bit. Actually it is a very good album. Maybe I just need a little bit more fire and passion in the relationship ;)

(Kippenvelmooi: Wild Mountain Thyme, Eight Miles High, Why
Plezant: 5D (Fifth Dimension), Mr. Spaceman)

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